Wallace Nez

"Found Himself"

2 1/2" H x 3 1/2" D

Wallace Nez, Jr., a Navajo potter, is originally from Aneth, Utah, on the Navajo reservation. He was raised by his loving grandparents, Roy Harvey and the late Daisy J. Harvey, to whom he dedicates his success. Wallace continues to receive inspiration from the world around him as well as his friends and family.

Wallace became interested in art at an early age. He particularly enjoyed pencil sketching and ceramic projects. He has been potting for 15 years, and sold his first piece when he was 12 years old.

At age 15 he was awarded one of the top five Entrepreneurs Awards given in the state of Utah. It was this award that encouraged Wallace to become committed to his pursuit of excellence in pottery.

Wallace forms his pottery using the traditional method of hand coiling and pinching Native clay. His designs are a combination of traditional and contemporary, using varied techniques to produce a timeless work of art.

Wallace's dedication and passion shows in every piece of his work. He beleives that his ability to create such beautiful pieces is a gift from God for which he will always be thankful.

Wallace has won numerous awards for his work, including Best of Show at 2002 West Valley Invitiational Native American Art Festival. He has also received first place ribbons at the Santa Fe Indian Market (2001, 2000, 1999) and Best of Division at the Museum of Northern Arizona (1999

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